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Recently I met a very dear friend: Uta Marquard. I got to know her in the 1980s in Frankfurt; at that time her name was Uta Lüling. At dinner I told about my [lectio divina]-group, and how thrilled I am about how it helps each of us to encounter God again and again. Uta then shared her own experiences. I found this so exciting that I asked her to write it down for the growing-circles blog. And she did! Here is her report:

My experience with lectio divina

A few years ago, I was stuck in a life crisis.

On all fronts, I had too many irons in the fire. I felt overwhelmed and was just functioning.

Through this, I had also lost my connection to God. This was particularly painful for me, because it also meant that a central source of strength and orientation was lost.

In order to give space to my relationship with God again, I signed up for a silent retreat with the Jesus-Bruderschaft (“Jesus Brotherhood”) in Gnadenthal.

Here God began to re-establish the lost thread to me. I enjoyed the silence in my monastery room, the short inputs, the silence at meals, the walks, and I began to write diary. This time was incredible good for me.

But then there was a question: “How do I keep this wealth I’ve gained in my daily life? Won’t it all quickly disappear again when the daily challenges come crashing back down on me?”

At that time, Andreas began to teach in our church on the subject of “Lectio Divina”. At first I thought, “Oh no, not something new to deal with again!” But then I signed up for a weekend with the topic “Meeting God in Silence, Introduction to lectio divina.” And I discovered a treasure!!!

It was wonderful to come to rest before God, to let His words have an effect on me and to experience His loving voice. Here God connected to my experience in Gnadenthal. And the good thing was: It didn’t end with that weekend. I had received a tool for my everyday life.

I now started each day with a lectio divina. For this, I chose the Gospel of Mark. I came to rest before God, read a short passage and let it have its effect on me. I then wrote down in my diary the thoughts that came to me. And it was incredible how God spoke to me. He gradually began to clean up and order my life and show me His love in a new and deep way. Today I look back on those special times with God with much gratitude.

What I learned during lectio divina is how timely God’s Word speaks into my life situations. By letting it touch me how Jesus encounters people, I have encountered him myself. I have regained the joy of reading the Bible, even a real hunger for it. And I heard God’s voice again, speaking to me personally and into my life.

Uta Marquard

I didn’t want to withhold this encouraging report from you. It is so good to hear how this simple way of lectio divina can change a life. Perhaps Uta’s report will encourage you to try lectio divina (again). You have nothing to lose, but perhaps a lot to gain.

If you have any questions, as always I’m very happy to help. By mail or in the comment section below this article.

Thank you, Uta!

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Cover image: John Charles Robinson (1824-1913) - Small Mirror Frame, in Carved and Gilded Wood. Venetian (1858); on []. Image is in the public domain.