• Am I a disciple of Jesus?

    When I see the radical life of the first disciples of Jesus, I ask myself: Am I really a disciple? And if so, how can I become a more consequential disciple of Jesus? [weiter ...]
  • What Jesus sends his followers out to do

    What exactly did Jesus call his followers to do? Understanding this is important in order to fulfill his mission. [weiter ...]
  • Christian and Disciple

    How does our understanding of a Christian differ from that of the first Christians? And what does all this have to do with being a disciple? [weiter ...]
  • The Great Commission misunderstood

    There is a passage in the Bible I always had difficulty with. It has been a constant, huge challenge for me. It is, of all things, the last words that have come down to us from Jesus. [weiter ...]
  • lectio divina - a testimony of experience

    A friend of many years describes in a letter how lectio divina has changed her life. This short report is so encouraging that I do not want to withhold it from you. [weiter ...]
  • Mirror and Forgetting

    Why James calls the Word of God a 'mirror', and why we are so fascinated by its frame. [weiter ...]
  • lectio divina: 1 - Intro

    How can I read the Bible so that 'I have something of it'? Even if this question sounds rather selfish at first: it is justified. [weiter ...]
  • Fundamentalism, Augustine and me

    How can it be that many Christians (like myself) often find it so difficult to come out as one? In a world that is actually very open to spirituality of any kind? Where everyone can believe what they think is right? And is there any way to change that? [weiter ...]
  • The Bible - A Book from God?

    The Bible is the central document of Christianity. Among all other scriptures it occupies a unique position. We say it is inspired. But what does that mean in concrete terms? We are far from unanimous on this question. [weiter ...]
  • Uncertain Faith

    A quotation by Richard Rohr [weiter ...]