About this blog

Many blogs deal with spiritual topics. And, if they are good, with concrete possibilities for implementation in everyday life.

This is where this blog would like to position itself. It deals with spiritual life. Among other things it is about the following questions:

  • What actually is contemporary spirituality?
  • What consequences can or should it have for my life, my relationships, my environment?
  • How can I lead a good life (whatever that means to me right now)?
  • What about the breaks in life? How do they affect my spirituality?
  • What if my spiritual securities are crumbling? What if truths that have always been immovable to me become uncertain?
  • May I ask any question? Even the really basic ones?
  • Really any question?

These are my beliefs:

  • To believe is to be on the way. Sometimes it means to seek the way.
  • My faith is never finished. A living faith evolves or it doesn’t live. To stand still would be regression.

This blog is a mirror of my current thoughts about God and the world. That means: Things I write today can be wrong for me tomorrow. I take the right to express them here, even if they are not yet fully fermented. If you disagree, I respect that.

About me

My name is Andreas Wüstefeld. I grew up with a Christian, rather conservative background. Studied theology, psychology and history. And some other subjects that interested me at that time. Then I went into the economy, I work independently in the IT sector. I was in the leadership of a free church for over 20 years, where I still work as a volunteer. My main focus is teaching and preaching.

My great passion is Jesus. However, I sometimes have difficulties with topics that are generally rather consensual. For more than 30 years I have been engaged in Christian, occidental mysticism. But also with other forms of spiritual life. I have gradually overcome my fears of contact with initially quite foreign experiences.

One of the central concerns of Jesus was to make people free. In all areas of their lives. Maybe this blog can make a small contribution to this.